Using buttons to get input

Now you're able to control an output component (an LED), let's connect and control an input component: a button.

  • Connect a button to another GND pin and GPIO pin 22, like this:

    Image made using Fritzing

  • This time you'll need the Button component, and to tell it that the button is on pin 22. Edit the examples/ file and write the following code in your new file:
extern crate rust_gpiozero;
use rust_gpiozero::*;

fn main() {
    // Create a button which is attached to Pin 22
    let button = Button::new(22);
  • Now you can get your program to do something when the button is pushed. Add these lines:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
println!("button pressed");
  • The code should look like this:
extern crate rust_gpiozero;
use rust_gpiozero::*;

fn main() {
    // Create a button which is attached to Pin 22
    let button = Button::new(22);

    // Wait for button to be pressed

    // Message to display when button is pressed
    println!("button pressed");
  • Save the file and run the code with:
cargo run --example button
  • Press the button and your text will appear.