Flashing an LED

With the help of the sleep function and a little loop, you can make the LED flash.

  • Edit the examples/flash.rs file in an editor with the following code:
extern crate rust_gpiozero;
use rust_gpiozero::*;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {

// Tell the Pi which GPIO pin you are using
let mut led = LED::new(17);

    // Make the led switch on

    // Let the LED stay on for one second

    // Make the led switch off

    // Let the LED stay off for one second
  • Run run flash example by running the following command:
cargo run --example flash
  • The LED should be flashing on and off. To exit the program press Ctrl + C on your keyboard.

  • In rust_gpiozero, an LED has a blink method which allows you to simplify the above code. The method takes two parameters, on_time and off_time. on_time is the number of second(s) the LED should stay on and off_time is the number of second(s) that the LED should stay off.

  • Modify your code to the following:

extern crate rust_gpiozero;
use rust_gpiozero::*;

fn main() {

    // Tell the Pi which GPIO pin you are using
    let mut led = LED::new(17);

    // let the LED blink indefinitely, staying on for 1 sec and off for 1 sec    
  • Run the code. The LED should blink indefinitely, staying on for one second and off for one second. To exit the program press Ctrl + C on your keyboard.

  • Try changing the parameters to blink to make it blink faster or slower.