What you will need


You will need a Raspberry Pi with an SD card and the usual peripherals. You will also need the following components for partilular steps:

  • Step 4: 1x LED, Female-to-female jumper leads, 1x 330Ω Resistor

  • Step 5: 1x LED, Female-to-female jumper leads, 1x 330Ω Resistor

  • Step 6: 1x LED, Female-to-female jumper leads, 1x 330Ω Resistor

  • Step 7: 1x Tactile button, Male-to-female jumper leads, 1x Solderless breadboard

  • Step 8: 1x LED, Female-to-female jumper leads, 1x 330Ω Resistor, 1x Tactile button, Male-to-female jumper leads

  • Step 9: 1x Tactile button, Male-to-female jumper leads

  • Step 10: 1x Buzzer, Male-to-female jumper leads, 1x Solderless breadboard

  • Step 11: 3x LEDs, 3x 330Ω Resistors, Buzzer, Male-to-female jumper leads, 1x Tactile button, 1x Solderless breadboard

Here is a complete list of components required for Physical Computing with Python

1x Solderless breadboard Male-to-female jumper leads Female-to-female jumper leads Male-to-male jumper leads
breadboard m to f jumper leads f to f jumper leads m to m jumper leads
1x Tactile button 3x LEDs Ultrasonic distance sensor Passive infrared motion sensor
tactile button LED ultrasonic distance sensor PIR sensor
Light Dependent Resistor 2x 5V Micro Metal Gearmotor 3x 330Ω Resistor 470Ω Resistor
LDR motor 330 resistor 470 resistor
1x 1μF Capacitor Buzzer Motor Controller Battery Pack
capacitor buzzer motor controller battery pack

Images source: Raspberry Pi Foundation


You will need to install Rust on your Raspbery Pi.

Follow the steps here.